Tuesday 30 April 2019

Drive from Sorrento to Langley BC

This morning we drove from our friends' place in Sorrento BC down to Langley. The Coquihalla highway was bare and dry. We stopped at the Mennonite Museum in Clearbrook for a visit, then drove to Langley where we are staying for the night. We spotted a number of murals on our walk through downtown. 

Most of our worldly possessions stored at our friends' place. 

The Mennonite Museum in Clearbrook

My mom's family Bible, dating from the 1744, on display in the museum

Clearbrook, raspberry capital of Canada!

Our home for the night in Langley BC

Murals seen around town

A sign foreshadowing our trip tomorrow!

Wednesday 17 April 2019

An afternoon hike up Peterson Creek park

In anticipation of our rapidly approaching trip, I thought it might be a good idea to see if I still remember how to post stuff here.

This was one of the first very pleasant days this spring so in the afternoon I took a walk up the Peterson Creek trail and at the end meandered my way back downtown by connecting various short trails through the green spaces between neighbourhoods. A wonderful break from work!