Wednesday 6 September 2017

Border guards and waterfalls

On one of our days in Kazbegi, we decided to check out a couple of shorter hikes we had read about. We drove a few kilometres up the highway and then parked our car. The first hike was supposed to end at a view of a glacier. As we were walking up a jeep road, a guy in a 4x4 van came up behind us, rolled down his window, and started talking to us, but no English. We finally gathered that it was something about the border with Russia and that we could only go a kilometre or so further. He continued driving up the road, and we carried on with our walk. Eventually, we came to a little compound with a small building and a razer wire fence. The guy we had met early was there and shook our hands. He indicated that we could walk a little further to take a picture of the glacier, but not of the compound. I still don't know what their concern was, since the border was at least 2 km away over extremely mountainous terrain.

Starting up the jeep road


A sliver of glacier, at the border compound

We also hiked to two waterfalls in the same general area.

Start of waterfall trail

Looking back down the trail


Looking back

Cindy trying to keep her feet dry

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