Tuesday 7 January 2020

Querétaro, day 4

We walked out to Cerro de las Campanas (Hill of the Bells) park this morning. Lots of poinsettias, a plant native to Mexico.

Maximilian I, monarch during the short-lived Second Mexican Empire, was executed on this hill, and this chapel was built in his memory. He was the younger brother of the Austrian emperor Franz Joseph I. Wikipedia

At the very top of the hill is this massive statue of Benito Juárez, president of Mexico from 1858 to 1872.

A large poinsettia bush

The old Querétaro railway station

Temple of San Sabastián and Casa del Faldón, both built in the 1700s

Universidad Marista

Frijoles and tostadas with smoked beef at Cervecería Hércules

The brewery is located in a former textile factory complex, a very cool atmosphere


  1. Love the pictures!! We have booked to go to San Carlos again for a month. Will be getting there when you get to Guadalajara. Was there before and it is an AWESOME city!!

  2. The colors there are fantastic and the food looks pretty good too.
